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AI and GenAI tools can add business value – but the right skills are vital to make this possible

Faye Ellis, Principal Training Architect – AWS at Pluralsight

Generative AI has captured the imagination of many over the past year. However, aside from using ChatGPT to write our wedding speeches and do our kid’s homework, there are many ways to maximise the technology to add real business value and a competitive edge.

Getting the right skills in place for employees is also key for businesses. Whether employees are total beginners to AI or looking to move into advance uses, investment in the technology will only bring true business benefits if people are empowered to work with it effectively, try new applications, and do so securely.

Here are four examples of where AI, when used well, can bring real business value:

Build your own chatbots

Conversational chatbots and virtual assistants can increase customer engagement in an interactive and personalised way. They can be tailored to reflect brand voice, and be delivered in a consistent way across a site so customers always have access to timely support.

Amazon Lex, for example, makes it easy to build high-quality conversational interfaces powered by generative AI. 

Automate your repetitive business processes

Generative AI is ideal for automating repetitive tasks that don’t require high levels of creativity, such as reviewing and summarising contracts, generating project collateral, and code documentation. FAQ engines that handle common customer support and HR inquiries are expected to become commonplace. Marketing teams that need to develop campaigns in a similar style to previously successful campaigns, or automate customer outreach, will also find that they can easily automate these repetitive tasks with generative AI. 

Content marketers can use services like Bedrock to build a social media campaign for a new product or service. Marketers provide relevant data and prompts, and Bedrock generates copy and images for targeted social media posts. 

Incorporate generative AI into your cybersecurity

Generative AI can be used in risk modelling and assessing and interpreting the risk of cybersecurity incidents and findings.

Use generative adversarial networks (GANs) to create synthetic data, enabling security experts to anticipate what might happen during a cyber attack

Generate image, video, and text

Most of us are familiar with image, video, and text generation—the primary capabilities of generative AI. Use cases include creating original content, images, and summarising text.

Leading pre-trained AI models are available through SageMaker and Bedrock to help you get started quickly. Use Bedrock Chat Playground to experiment with various models using a chat interface.  

Getting your teams up to speed with AI

To start using these technologies, you need your staff to be skilled in using them.

Organisations might be accelerating AI adoption, but employees need the right skills – otherwise organisations risk facing an AI literacy gap. In fact, our recent research found that 80% of executives currently neglect employee training, and 20% don’t have an understanding of their teams’ AI skills.

By focusing on training the existing talent pool, it’s possible to propel them through the next wave of AI innovation, and fill talent gaps from within.

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