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Specialising in omnichannel banking and cybersecurity, the Italian company continues its international expansion with two new offices in Madrid and Mexico


Auriga, an Italian company specialising in omnichannel banking solutions, today announced the opening of two new branches in Spain and Mexico, following its international expansion strategy. The subsidiaries, Auriga Iberia and Auriga Latin América, will manage the integration of Lookwise Device Manager (LDM), the cybersecurity solution acquired from S21sec, into Auriga’s portfolio of omnichannel banking solutions. With this milestone, the company now employs 400 professionals.

Auriga’s objective is to become a reference point for financial institutions in the Spanish and Latin American regions. The Latin American office is situated near to Guadalajara, Mexico and represents a real stepping stone towards reaching the local market. The Spanish office is a research and development hub focused on cybersecurity, with the aim of enriching Auriga’s offering and expertise to support banks in their digital transformation path.

These two new openings are in line not only with the acquisition of LDM, but also form part of Auriga’s ongoing strategic partnership programme, which is aimed at consolidating its presence on a global scale. Auriga recently announced strategic alliances with the system integrators Minsait, a company from Indra, and TRSYS.


They are also in line with the membership recently signed off with:


Auriga provides omnichannel banking solutions to support its clients in the digital transformation of bank branches, a key area of focus for financial institutions.

“These openings are in line with Auriga’s ongoing investments and current local partnerships aimed at promoting our solutions in the Spanish and Latin American markets”, explains Vincenzo Fiore, CEO, Auriga. “The current pandemic has highlighted, like never before, the power of technology in helping the financial sector continue to provide excellent service to its customers while ensuring their security. As specialists in omnichannel banking, Auriga wants to assist Spanish and Latin American financial services to make this leap into the branch of the future.”

For years, the company has been one of the key technology providers in Europe for the digital transformation of bank branches. Founded in Italy, 70% of the country’s ATMs are equipped with its WinWebServer (WWS) software. This advanced omnichannel solution enables the efficient integration of various modules into banks’ systems and provides an enhanced customer experience while optimising costs.


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