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Private 5G vs WiFi: Will Organizations Ditch WiFi to Future Proof Business?

By Damian Hanson, Co-Founder & Director of CircleLoop   The surge in private 5G network deployments from cloud giants such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) has...

Why open banking is the key to digitalising accountancy

Mike Panzeri, General Manager UK, Moss   Open banking is one of the most exciting financial developments to occur in recent years, promising to transform the...

How Dynamic Pricing Impacts Product Valuations & Brand Reputation

Author: Gediminas Rickevičius, VP of Global Partnerships at Oxylabs   Dynamic pricing, in one form or the other, has been around ever since people have been...

Forget deepfakes, shallowfakes are the real threat to the insurance industry

By Martin Rehak, CEO & Founder at Resistant AI   To believe or not to believe—the dilemma facing insurers dealing with increased digital document fraud Fraud continues...

What embedded finance means for online retailers

Although the term ‘embedded finance’ (meaning the embedding of financial services into digital products) may be new to many, it is not a particularly...

Let’s Not Talk Ourselves into a Slump!

By Dominic Bourquin, Head of the Tax Consultancy and Corporate Finance team at Monahans   In the face of the latest Office for National Statistics (ONS)...