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Over 50% of customers now have a finance relationship with a non-bank

Philipp Buschmann, Co-Founder and CEO, AAZZUR   Technology has impacted pretty much every part of our lives, and with this change we as consumers have now...

Adoption of Digital Identities in Retail Banking is a Customer Service Imperative 

By Jim Close, Regional Vice President of Enterprise at Kofax   If the pandemic has taught retail banks one lesson, it’s that customer experience is more...

How better data management can help banks with their AML practices

Anna Back, Data Consultant, DTSQUARED   We’ve all heard the horror stories. Cashiers accepting bin bags full of cash without asking any questions. Data leaks highlighting...

The future of digital currencies

Kevin Braine, Global Head of Research and Operations for Kroll’s Compliance Risk & Diligence practice   Undoubtedly, the future for currencies is digital. As cash use...

5 strategic considerations in meeting ISO 20022 compliance

Tareq Shaheen, PDM Director, Payment Solutions at Eastnets   ISO 20022 significantly improves the quality of data across the payments ecosystem. It offers richer, structured, meaningful...

How to embrace data and unlock technology’s true potential

Jonathan Westley, Chief Data Officer, Experian UK&I   “We have entered an exponential age”, as writer and technologist Azeem Azhar said. Ours is the first era...