
Data in the Driver’s Seat: How AI is Steering Banks Away from Crisis

Ed Chalopin, Chief Product Officer at Likezero. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank was not just an isolated incident; it was a clear indicator of the vulnerabilities and deep cracks...

Navigating the Future of Banking: Embracing a new Corporate Digital Identity

By Alan Samuels, VP. Data & Product at Encompass Corporation Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures are crucial for compliance and...

How to overcome the complexities of internal client money reconciliations

Murray Campbell, Product Manager at AutoRek In the financial services industry, where data is involved in every aspect of...

Banking on Brains: How AI and platforms are transforming financial services

By Sateesh Seetharamiah, CEO of Edge Platforms, EdgeVerve For banking and financial services (BFS) institutions, 2024 carries forward the...

Maximising AI ROI: Key Metrics for Banking Success

By Alexandra Mousavizadeh, CEO and co-founder of Evident Insights As AI continues to permeate all manner of day-to-day banking...

Why the path towards banking modernization leads into the Cloud

Craig Ramsey, Head of Real Time Payments at ACI Worldwide   Banks’ payment platforms died on the vine of being agile long ago as the banking...

Re-thinking IT investment strategies in the age of AI – what’s at stake?

By Giorgio Danesi, EMEA Leader for Data and Technology Transformation at IBM Consulting   As businesses across industries recognise the power of generative artificial intelligence (AI),...

Emerging technology will power long-term sustainability within the UK banking industry 

By Peter-Jan Van De Venn, VP Global Digital Banking at Hexaware Mobiquity.   Sustainability has been a big focus for the banking industry in recent years,...

Neobanks take the world by storm, but do we still need bricks and mortar?

By Ewen Fleming, Partner and Head of Financial Services, Johnston Carmichael and Global Lead for Financial Services, Moore Global Digital banking has put power in...

Banks flocking to private debt shows a market reaching maturity – a technological upgrade is the next step

Author/Interviewee: Christoph Gugelmann, Co-Founder and CEO of Tradeteq There comes a point in the history of every new market, commodity, or asset class where the...

Why Banks Need a Holistic Approach to Digital Transformation

By Imran Vilcassim, Global Solutions Director, Digital Platforms, BPC   Overhauling legacy infrastructure and replacing it with digital-first, cloud-enabled solutions is at the heart of digital...

AU Small Finance Bank and Fincare Small Finance Bank announce merger: Financial Inclusion powerhouse in the making

➢   Strategic, growth-oriented merger of two strong, well-run SFBs ➢   Merger to capitalize on the complementary geographic footprint and product basket of the two banks to create...

What will Open Banking look like in 2024?

Hans Tesselaar, Executive Director of BIAN Throughout 2023 we have witnessed significant strides in open banking, with a heightened focus on accessibility and ensuring the...

It’s make-or-break time for the banks on AI, yet most CEOs have yet to show up to the debate

By Alexandra Mousavizadeh, CEO and co-founder of Evident It’s been a year of staggering progress in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), and the race to...

23% of people consider cybersecurity posture when choosing a bank, as customer expectations move beyond compliance

With 90% of data breaches expected to include the human element in 2024, consumers are holding banks responsible for their Human Risk Management  Almost a quarter (23%)...

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