
Data in the Driver’s Seat: How AI is Steering Banks Away from Crisis

Ed Chalopin, Chief Product Officer at Likezero. The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank was not just an isolated incident; it was a clear indicator of the vulnerabilities and deep cracks...

Navigating the Future of Banking: Embracing a new Corporate Digital Identity

By Alan Samuels, VP. Data & Product at Encompass Corporation Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures are crucial for compliance and...

How to overcome the complexities of internal client money reconciliations

Murray Campbell, Product Manager at AutoRek In the financial services industry, where data is involved in every aspect of...

Banking on Brains: How AI and platforms are transforming financial services

By Sateesh Seetharamiah, CEO of Edge Platforms, EdgeVerve For banking and financial services (BFS) institutions, 2024 carries forward the...

Maximising AI ROI: Key Metrics for Banking Success

By Alexandra Mousavizadeh, CEO and co-founder of Evident Insights As AI continues to permeate all manner of day-to-day banking...

Harnessing AI to Navigate Regulatory Complexity in Banking and Finance

By Harry Borovick, General Counsel, Luminance The global banking and finance sector is navigating an increasingly complex regulatory landscape, compounded by uncertain macroeconomic conditions, marketplace...

The bank of the future

Nanda Kumar, CEO, SunTec Business Solutions   Humans have always pushed boundaries. From searching for new worlds in the 15th century to exploring new planets today,...

How will regulations effect the open banking sector?

Martin Hartley – Group CCO of emagine Consulting – comments on the future of the open banking sector and how it will affect the...

Battling Rising Neobanks, Financial Institutions Embrace Omnichannel

By Fred Fuller, Global Head of Banking at Endava. Neobanks have been on the rise for several years now, but 2024 has been particularly notable...

The Race to Net Zero: Strategies for Accelerating Transition Finance

Maria Patschke, CEO of SAP Fioneer ESG Solutions The urgent global mandate to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 is clear. To achieve this, annual global...

Embracing Open Banking and a Customer-Centric Financial Future

by Richard McCall, CEO of Armalytix The Origin of Open Banking While the implementation of Open Banking is relatively recent, the concept has been in...

How To Unlock The Full Value Of Cash

By Simon James, CEO, PayComplete At a time when digital and electronic payments dominate, the resilience of cash might seem surprising. Yet, despite the explosion...


Tom Rahder, from Esendex, discusses how digitisation, and use of mobile messaging has transformed the banking industry, and where it can go from here.  Barely...

Can traditional banking survive the digital disruption?

By Dr Hassaan Khan, Head of Digital Finance at Arden University In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, traditional banks find themselves at a crossroads,...

Incumbents are buying up banks—but how might takeovers impact consumer choice and innovation?

By Chris George, Vice President of Product, EMEA, at CI&T Recent news that Barclays is buying the bulk of Tesco’s banking business, and that Sainsbury’s...

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