Top 10

The AI Act: what impact will Artificial Intelligence really have on B2B payments?

By Pat Bermingham, CEO of B2B digital payment specialist, Adflex Visit any social media newsfeed and countless posts will tell you that AI means “nothing will ever be the same again”...

The Road to Funding

By Alistair Rattray, director at UK law firm Burges Salmon As the UK moves towards net zero by 2050,...

Leveraging Technology is Vital for Customer Retention in Insurance

By Gayle Terry, President of Domestic & General US The insurance industry is witnessing a significant transformation driven by...

Navigating the AI Revolution in Financial Services: Unlocking Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges

Johnathan Bangura – VP Financial Services, Industry Solutions, Rimini Street Artificial intelligence (AI) has fast become a key consideration...

Affiliate Payments 101

Vladimir Pisanko, Head of PSP at Alpha Affiliates Successful affiliate marketing hinges on the establishment of a trusted network....

3 critical tips to help SMB’S survive the ongoing inflation crisis

Ryan Demaray, SMB EMEA MD at SAP Concur UK   The past few years have been tough for small businesses, yet the pandemic taught many...

The penny has dropped – the finance sector needs Data Governance-as-a-Service

By Michael Queenan, Co-Founder and CEO at Nephos Technologies   In our data-driven world, the amount of data is growing exponentially and it’s predicted that the...

The Rise of Bots in FinTech: How Personal Service Remains Supreme

Chatbots are becoming a common feature online, but they’re not universally popular. In fact, many users are easily frustrated by the limitations of what...

What is the Digital Operational Resilience Act, and how will it impact the UK?

By Wayne Churchill, Chief Executive Officer, NormCyber The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is the latest in a series of stringent regulatory measures introduced by...

5 trends shaping banking technology in 2024

Charlie Platt, Managing Director, Banking, SAP Fioneer Traditional retail banks face huge challenges this year. Diminishing customer loyalty, particularly among younger generations who perceive them...

Why the path towards banking modernization leads into the Cloud

Craig Ramsey, Head of Real Time Payments at ACI Worldwide   Banks’ payment platforms died on the vine of being agile long ago as the banking...

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