Top 10

Lost in Translation: Navigating the Global Financial Landscape with AI

By Lloyd Farrow, Sales & Marketing Director at LanguageLine Solutions UK As international markets become increasingly interconnected, financial institutions are extending their reach beyond domestic borders to access new markets...

Why AI is Key for SMBs in the Next Tech Revolution

Angus Milledge, Head of New Business Sales EMEA Every few decades, new technology emerges that promises to reshape the...

The AI Act: what impact will Artificial Intelligence really have on B2B payments?

By Pat Bermingham, CEO of B2B digital payment specialist, Adflex Visit any social media newsfeed and countless posts will tell...

The Road to Funding

By Alistair Rattray, director at UK law firm Burges Salmon As the UK moves towards net zero by 2050,...

Leveraging Technology is Vital for Customer Retention in Insurance

By Gayle Terry, President of Domestic & General US The insurance industry is witnessing a significant transformation driven by...

How Insurtech can drive positive customer experience

Mark Thomas is Founder and Director of Compare My Insurance. Faced with an uncertain world, consumers are embracing the security of the right insurance for...

Leveraging Managed Print Services for Enterprise Excellence

In the fast-paced world of enterprise-level businesses, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and seamless operations are paramount. As organizations continually seek ways to optimize their workflows and...

Top three ways insurance companies can combat data chaos and improve claims management

By Eileen Potter, VP of Marketing Insurance at Smart Communications As your customer base grows, the complexity of your data environment increases. And in today’s...

Who’s Winning the Real Time Payments Race?

Despite discrepancies in growth between regions, and ongoing barriers to full adoption, it’s estimated that up to half of B2B payments will be made in real-time...

The Benefits of Digital Organisation and How to Achieve It

by Fraser Stewart, CCO at Lyfeguard   Information-overload is seemingly a norm in today’s world, a phenomenon that can easily lead to disorganisation and the misplacement...

How is AI boosting diversity & inclusion and changing job roles in corporations by removing language barriers

By Jess O'Dwyer, general manager for Europe at Pocketalk The fast-paced, ever-evolving field technological change and digital transformation that is sweeping through modern workplaces keeps...

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