Top 10

Lost in Translation: Navigating the Global Financial Landscape with AI

By Lloyd Farrow, Sales & Marketing Director at LanguageLine Solutions UK As international markets become increasingly interconnected, financial institutions are extending their reach beyond domestic borders to access new markets...

Why AI is Key for SMBs in the Next Tech Revolution

Angus Milledge, Head of New Business Sales EMEA Every few decades, new technology emerges that promises to reshape the...

The AI Act: what impact will Artificial Intelligence really have on B2B payments?

By Pat Bermingham, CEO of B2B digital payment specialist, Adflex Visit any social media newsfeed and countless posts will tell...

The Road to Funding

By Alistair Rattray, director at UK law firm Burges Salmon As the UK moves towards net zero by 2050,...

Leveraging Technology is Vital for Customer Retention in Insurance

By Gayle Terry, President of Domestic & General US The insurance industry is witnessing a significant transformation driven by...

Are we there yet? The journey of consumer spending habits is not over

Dr. Alexandra Dobra-Kiel, Head of Behavioural Research and Insight, Behave   One of the upheavals in our lives over the past two years has been the...

How AI is revolutionising financial services

By Russ Rawlings, RVP, Enterprise, UK&I, Databricks Strict regulation, along with time and cost restraints, means that the financial services industry must take a measured...

Building Operational Resiliency in Payments

Although IT resiliency has long been a common theme and practice for financial institutions, the rapid digitalisation of financial services is underscoring its importance. Over...


By John Wayman, head of partnership relations at Aryza. The recent launch of ChatGPT placed artificial intelligence (AI) firmly in the spotlight. Almost every industry was left wondering...

Reconciling tradition with technology: Augmenting the human experience in financial services

By William Perry, Head of Financial Services, UK&I, MEA at Medallia   The financial services sector has experienced drastic technology-led disruption in recent years. Finserv businesses...

Four Payment Predictions for 2023

Alex Common, Chief Product Officer, Pay360   There’s no doubt that 2022 was a significant year for the payments sector. With open banking payments growing 500%...

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