Tag: cryptocurrencies


How risk managers are using AI to ease the compliance burden

Author: Joel Lange, EVP & General Manager of Dow Jones Risk & Research The task of regulatory compliance has become a formidable challenge for global...

A realist’s view of Web3 in 2024

Evgeniy Babitsyn, CMO of Bets.io Is Web3 really the disruptive force that will permanently change our society? Is it nothing more than hype technologies that...

Embracing a Zero-Trust Model: Why Now is the Time

By Anthony Eaton, CTO, IDEX Biometrics   As the world continues to evolve digitally, so have cyber-attacks, with the number of attacks escalating significantly in recent...

How to Buy Ethereum in the UK

By Steven Wright - www.stevenwrightinvestment.com   Ethereum (ETH) is the name of the blockchain platform that supports the cryptocurrency Ether. The term “Ethereum” refers to the...

The future of cryptocurrency and its effect on worldwide commerce

Scott Major, Chief Commercial Officer, Transact365   Cryptocurrency’s resilience to market volatility remains strong. As the decentralised finance (De-Fi) markets continue to recover from the ‘crypto...

Web3 and Insurance

Authored by Samiul Chowdhury, Principal Actuarial Consultant, RNA Analytics   Innovation in the digital world is accelerating. Whilst the web has been in constant transformation since...