Tag: payment


Why aligning payment strategies with wider growth plans is the key to scaling a business in 2024

Spokesperson: Svetlio Todorov, Managing Director at emerchantpay In light of the news that the UK is officially out of a recession, it’s hoped that business...

Essential Finance Hacks All Business Owners Can Utilize to Their Advantage

Business ownership is both exciting and daunting at the same time. Whether you’ve just launched a startup or you’ve got skin in the game,...

Cutting through the red tape – How to tackle inefficient financial processes and drive dynamic business growth

by Tim Rowe, Microsoft Practice Lead at  Delaware UK   Complex and unwieldy finance and taxation processes are common sources of frustration for many organisations, especially...

What Does The Industry Really Think About Variable Recurring Payments (VRPs)?

Author: Charles Damen, Chief Product Officer, Token   Variable Recurring Payments (VRP) are a major step forward for payments and the wider Open Banking movement.  In July...


By Andy Stalsberg, Chief Commercial Officer at Access Paysuite.   The Federation of Self Employed and Small Business (FSB) recently revealed that nearly 80 per cent...

Data: A Beneficial By-Product of Omnichannel Payment Systems

Daniel Holden, CEO at fintech platform Trust Payments   We live in an increasingly consumer driven world. Options are endless and it is therefore a rat...