Tag: risk management


Reevaluating Risk Management: Addressing the Challenges of Unreliable Data

By Adam Quirke, Financial Services Presales Consultant, InterSystems In financial services, firms must perpetually assess risk, so they can seize opportunities while diminishing the potential...

Forecasts, automation and risk management: Machine learning’s impact on the financial sector

By Ronald Binkofski, CEO at STX Next Armed with the capabilities of machine learning (ML), financial institutions and finance executives have long been turning unstructured...

Retaining Property Investment Amidst Turbulent Times

By Gavin Gleave, CEO of fu3e.   The real estate sector is looking beyond what it perceives to be cyclical headwinds - rising interest rates, declining...

Building a proactive approach to adopting a resilience mindset

Pressures from regulators are triggering reviews of traditional risk areas for insurers. Considering the multiple external uncertainties facing insurers, it is important that firms...

How to avoid the debt trap and take control of your finances

By John Castro, CEO of Investment Mastery   Living in uncertain times can make us feel that taking control of our finances means primarily saving up...

Why strong identity security is key to cyber insurance

By Joseph Carson, Chief Security Scientist and Advisory CISO at Delinea   Businesses have been insuring themselves against the financial impact of malicious and accidental loss...