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Nathan Hill-Haimes – Amvia 


It’s likely that your business can’t truly thrive without data solutions, but if you’re left to manage this for yourself then the jargon involved can be overwhelming. Here’s a brief guide to some of the most commonly confusing terms, so you can make sure you know what you’re talking about next time your network needs upgrading.


Download speeds

Download speed refers to the speed with which Internet data reaches your home. Measured in megabits per second (Mb), faster download speeds mean quicker file downloads, video buffering and web page loading.


Nathan Hill

Upload speeds

Upload speed refers to the speed of the data transferring from your device. This relates to the time it takes to post pictures or other files, how easily your emails send and the reliability of VoIP calls. Also measured in Mb, upload speeds are usually much lower than download speeds.



An Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is an Internet connection provided over a telephone line – the standard for Internet connection and probably what you are most familiar with. ADSLs provide a reliable, high-quality connection – however speeds depend on your distance from the telephone exchange as well as the condition of the cable. With an ADSL connection, speeds typically reach up to 50Mbps.


Leased Line

A leased line is a data line that directly connects two or more locations for a monthly charge. Leased lines are dedicated services, which means you don’t share your bandwidth with anyone else – so no other users outside of your network can slow you down. The bandwidth offered by leased lines is symmetric, meaning upload and download speeds are the same – you can have both 100 Mbps upload and 100 Mbps download speeds at the same time. The service uses fibre optic lines – these are the fastest business broadband connections available and can receive speeds in excess of 10Gbps. Standard shared broadband services range from 10 Mbps to 300 Mbps download and 2Mbps to 30Mbps upload, meaning a leased line’s significantly faster speed capabilities can meet even the highest demands.



Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC) is a broadband Internet telecoms service that connects the telecom provider’s core network (via fibre optic cables) to your nearest distribution point or cabinet, before connecting to the network on your premises. FTTC can deliver download speeds of up to 76Mbps, but the speed of the service is affected by the distance between your premises and the cabinet. FTTC can double the download speeds offered by ADSL lines, but higher installation costs can make it prohibitive for smaller businesses.



Fibre To The Premises (FTTP) is a broadband Internet telecoms service that connects the telecom provider’s core network (via fibre optic cables) to your business premises, transporting data long distance. Businesses are increasingly using FTTP as a fast and affordable way of getting a fibre connection, as data only travels over fibre optic cables which means data is faster and also futureproofed, so you’ll get increasingly faster speeds as Internet technology develops.



A software-defined wide area network (SD WAN) is able to intelligently route network traffic across the whole wide area network, performed automatically by using edge SD WAN routers and an SD WAN controller, which determine how best to direct the traffic. SD-WAN routers can recognise the type of traffic you are transmitting and automatically select the best path for the data, helping to maximise the performance of your WAN. One of the main selling points of an SD WAN is its ability to manage data traffic over different types of network access – including DSL, Fibre, Ethernet and even 4G. This means SD WANs can help to improve reliability by providing multiple connections with different providers as failover options, ensuring a higher level of resilience necessary for many online-focused businesses.



A Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system allows for voice calls via a data link such as the Internet. VoIP calls are generally cheaper than traditional phone calls, and users won’t know that you’re speaking over VoIP rather than a landline. VoIP also means you can appear that you are in the office even when you’re out and about, as calls can be directed to your mobile device. The best-known examples of VoIP include Skype, WhatsApp and Facetime. VoIP systems are easy and simple to set up and to add and remove users, without any need to separately wire a phone system. Through an Internet connection, all of the latest technology is available and up-to-date, such as voicemail, conference calling and messenger services. Advanced features such as file sharing and virtual meetings can also be added.


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