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Terms of use


Please read our Terms of Use (“Terms”) set out below very carefully as they confirm the basis upon which you may access the (“Website”) and read and make use of its content (“Finance Derivative Content”).

The Terms apply to your use of the Website and any of the Finance Derivative Content irrespective of the delivery platform or device you may use to access it.

Except where we state otherwise, all references in these Terms to “FD”, “we”, “us” or “our” refer to Finance Derivative (“FD”) whose registered office is situated at Tt. Vasumweg 32 B10 1033SC Amsterdam and, where applicable, to the FM.Publishing.

1. Acceptance by you of the Terms

Your use of the Website constitutes your acceptance of the Terms. If you do not accept the Terms, then you should immediately stop using the Website.

We cannot guarantee that you will always be able to access the Website and we will not be liable to you for any interruption or delay that you experience in accessing the Website, whatever the cause.

Your use and browsing of the Service is at your risk. If you are dissatisfied with any of the materials contained in the Service, with the quality of service, or with these Terms, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue accessing and using the Service.

2. Amendments to the Terms

Any amendments to the Terms will be posted on this page and the date of the then current version of the Terms will appear in paragraph 11. We urge you to read the complete Terms and to visit this page regularly to ensure that you are aware of our then current Terms.

You understand and agree that your continued access to or use of the Website even after the modifications to the Terms indicates your acceptance of the modifications.

3. Ownership of Content

FD’s ability to publish the Website and to invest in professional financial journalism depends on our users complying with this Paragraph.

All Finance Derivative Content is owned by FD or its licensors who between them own all intellectual property rights (including copyright and database rights) in the Finance Derivative Content and any arrangement thereof. You may not reproduce Finance Derivative Content without FD’s written permission.

If you wish to reproduce Finance Derivative Content, please contact us for an appropriate license.

However, you are welcome to read Finance Derivative Content for your personal use on any device that is compatible with the Website and you may store Finance Derivative Content on that device for your personal use. You may also print single hard copies of articles for your personal use.

You may not republish or redistribute full text articles without a licence from us. You may, however, republish or redistribute “Summaries” of articles from the Website so long as a prominent credit is given to FD on such Summaries indicating that FD is the original source of the material contained therein.

“Summaries” can be either an “extract” or an “abstract”. An “extract” means up to 200 words copied verbatim from an article which are inserted into a longer original work. An “abstract” means a non-verbatim summary of the news or facts reported in an article forming part of Finance Derivative Content which does not form part of a longer work.

4. Links to other websites or on-line services

The Website may contain links to other Internet websites or online and mobile services provided by FD or by independent third parties, including websites of our advertisers and sponsors (so-called “Third Party Sites”).

Some of these links may generate revenue for us at the time they are clicked on or if someone subsequently uses the services of that Third Party. All links are provided because we believe they may be of interest to you and are made available on the Website for your convenience only.

We do not endorse or recommend any Third Party Sites or their contents and it is your decision whether or not you purchase or use any third party products or services made available on or via Third Party Sites and you should read paragraph 7 below very carefully.

5. Advertising and Sponsorship

The Website contains advertising and sponsorship. Advertisers and sponsors are responsible for ensuring that material submitted for inclusion on the Website complies with international and national law. FD is not responsible for any error or inaccuracy in advertising or sponsorship material.

6. Rights in Software

Copyright and all other rights in any software that is made available for download from the Website belongs to FD or its associates. Your use of the software is governed by the terms of any licence agreement that may accompany or be included with the software. Please do not install or use any of such software unless you agree to such licence agreement. FD is not responsible for any technical or other issues or loss that may occur if you download any such software.

7. Liability Disclaimer

Website is provided for informational purposes only. We take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information on the Website and within Finance Derivative Content is correct, but we do not guarantee that it is and we, therefore, exclude any liability up to the maximum amount that the law allows.

Accordingly, we will not be responsible for any loss you may suffer as a result of any omission or inaccuracy on the Website and within Finance Derivative Content.

Also, please note that the material displayed on the Website is in no way an endorsement or recommendation of companies, products or services.

FD does not accept any liability whatsoever for the content of external web sites.

Nothing in the Website constitutes professional advice and any user of the Website must consult a suitably qualified professional adviser for advice relating to a specific enquiry or issue arising from material appearing on the Website.

8. Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting users’ privacy. We will not provide any of the personal information you give us to any third party. Any information submitted to FD via the Website is held by FD in strict accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act.

9. Miscellaneous

If any provision of the Terms is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of that provision will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Terms which will remain in full force and effect.

Headings in the Terms are for convenience only and have no legal meaning or effect.

The Terms are subject to Netherlands law and the respective courts will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, under, or in connection with the Terms.

10. Your Conduct 

In using the Website, you agree to –

  1. Use no automated means, including spiders, robots, offline readers, crawlers, data mining tools, or the like to download or store data from the Website. Exception is made for publicly available Internet search engines (e.g., Google, Bing) that comply with our Terms but not for any archive that hosts, promotes, or links primarily to infringing or unauthorized content;

  2. Not to alter or modify any part of the Website, make no use that would interfere with or disrupt the Website or servers or networks connected to the Website, make none of Your Content available (whether through upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise) that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment, and neither circumvent nor disable any security or data-protection measures implemented by FD; and

  3. Not to translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or attempt to discover any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of the object code of any portion of the Website.

11. Current Terms

These Terms were last updated on 21st November and supersede all previous Terms applicable to your use of the Website and Finance Derivative Content.




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