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Top three ways insurance companies can combat data chaos and improve claims management

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By Eileen Potter, VP of Marketing Insurance at Smart Communications

As your customer base grows, the complexity of your data environment increases. And in today’s digital-focused, customer-driven world, that means additional personalised touchpoints and delivery channels, all of which boil down to how you handle all that data. Unforeseeable internal and external changes pose challenges to implementing a scalable and personalised customer data strategy, which is often referred to as data chaos.

To paint a bigger picture, enterprises today are generating over 64 zettabytes (ZB) of data on record, with this figure growing at an astounding 28% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). The insurance industry is no exception. An average claim file now includes gigabytes of supporting content, from scanned documents to extensive photo streams and dashcam videos. The sheer data volume poses significant challenges to current customer communication management systems.

If not managed efficiently, data chaos can lead to process overloads, which can result in errors, slow communication and poor customer experiences. So, how can insurance companies combat data chaos and ensure consistent customer communications?

Processing claims faster with gen-AI

Insurers can harness the power of gen-AI to expedite the claims processing workflow, eliminate human error and enhance efficiency. Insurance claims – especially complex ones – involve extensive documentation and meticulous verification. However, with new AI technologies, insurers can automate and streamline tasks, swiftly analyse vast amounts of data, and extract relevant information from scanned documents, photos, and videos with remarkable accuracy. It can also generate detailed reports and summaries, significantly reducing the time required for manual review and paving the way for a more efficient and personalised customer communications future

Eileen Potter

It also helps tackle – fraud detection by identifying anomalies and patterns that might be overlooked by human analysts. This not only speeds up the claims process but also ensures higher accuracy and reliability. Using automation helps facilitate quicker decision-making, leading to faster settlements and improved customer satisfaction.

Increasing operational efficiency with CCM

Customer communication management (CCM) systems also enable insurers to deliver consistent, personalised messages across multiple channels such as emails, texts, and other digital channels. This ensures that policyholders receive timely and relevant information, reducing confusion and enhancing their overall experience.

Operationally, CCM streamlines document management and distribution, minimising manual tasks and reducing the risk of errors. Insurers can easily generate, manage and archive policy documents, claims correspondence and regulatory communications. This not only speeds up internal workflows but also ensures compliance with industry regulations.

Furthermore, CCM solutions offer advanced analytics capabilities, allowing insurers to gain insights into customer interactions and preferences. By leveraging this data, insurers can tailor their services to meet individual needs more effectively. Overall, using today’s modern CCM systems enables more efficiency, accuracy and customer satisfaction, positioning insurers for success in what is a very competitive market.

Finding solutions in the cloud

Insurers are increasingly adopting cloud-based customer communication management to efficiently store and handle their data. By offering scalable solutions and ensuring easy access and management from any location, migrating to the cloud is an effective solution to resolving data chaos. It provides robust security measures, automated backups and seamless data integration, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing costs across all asset classes and product types. This helps insurance enterprises simplify their processes and operate more efficiently.

For example, cloud-based CCM solutions use cloud-stored data to deliver their personalised, multi-channel customer communications. By easily and quickly drawing on customer-specific data history, insurers can deepen existing relationships and increase trust.

Continuing to manage data volumes

The insurance industry will continue to face significant challenges in the years to come, including managing an ever-increasing volume of data required to process claims. To combat and prevent data chaos, organisations should focus on creating a technology ecosystem that will enable them to automate and streamline claims processing, ensuring faster settlements and improved accuracy. This reduces manual tasks and provides personalised multi-channel interactions, allowing insurers toimprove operational efficiency and deliver a consistently high-quality service to their customers.

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